What REALLY Separates the Best from the Rest

“The mental game is what separates a Tour player from an amateur, and what separates consistent winners from the greats.”


I want to thank everyone who has already picked up a copy of my new book, THE MENTAL GAME, and especially those who have posted such positive reviews about the book. (See what readers are saying about THE MENTAL GAME here.) I can’t thank you all enough for your support!

For those of you who have not yet read THE MENTAL GAME, what follows is the book’s introduction. This gives more insight into what the book is about and why I think it just might be the most important book I’ve ever written

The thoughts you think determine the life you live.

If you regularly think about goals that excite you, reasons to be grateful, and things that make you feel good; studies tell us you’re much more likely to live a happy, healthy, and successful life. If, on the other hand, you dwell on thoughts of self-doubt, worry, and all that is going wrong in your life; those same studies tell us you’re more likely to be sad, depressed, and unsuccessful.

Think positive and positive things tend to happen. Think negative and negative things tend to happen.

Despite knowing this, many of us find it difficult to maintain a positive mindset. We’re bombarded with negative, fearful, and cynical messages throughout the day. We worry about things we have no control over. We get overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. We wallow in negativity. But not because we want to.

We want to be positive. Yet, when we’re in a negative frame of mind, it’s often hard to shift to a more positive mindset.

It’s as though there is a war going on inside our minds—a war between the negative and the positive. And the negative seems to have the upper hand.

This book will show you how to take control of your thoughts and win the inner war against negativity.

In this inspirational fable, Jack McKee is a professional golfer who has just suffered through the most humiliating meltdown of his career. After years of grinding, struggling, and coming up short of his goals, he is ready to quit on his dream. He has convinced himself he doesn’t have what it takes to make it on the PGA Tour.

In a desperate attempt to figure out why his career has ended up the way it has, Jack reaches out to one of the game’s greatest former players for advice. This legendary golfer teaches Jack that the problem is not in his swing, but in his mind.

Over several weeks, Jack learns from his new mentor how to win the war within his mind. As Jack learns to combat his thoughts of self-doubt and worry, his golf game improves right along with his mindset, culminating in the most important tournament of his career.

To be clear, this is not a book about golf. It is set in the world of golf, the main character is a professional golfer, and the story plays out during a season on the PGA Tour. But this book is not about golf.

This book is about the mental game we all must play on a daily basis—regardless of our chosen profession. It’s about the inner war that takes place within our minds and how to win that war.

As this story plays out, you will learn:

– How to take control of your thoughts and make sure they are working for you instead of against you.

 – The importance of talking to yourself instead of listening to yourself.

 – How to develop a morning and evening mental routine that will keep you in a positive state of mind.

 – The amazing power of gratitude and the technique used by many of the world’s most successful people to make gratitude a part of their daily lives.

 – The fastest way to fight off worry and negative thoughts.

 – How to protect your mind from the negative, anxiety-producing, and failure-oriented messages that surround us daily.

 – The importance of your self-image and how to program it for your benefit.

 – The biggest, yet often-misunderstood, key to performing at your best when the pressure turns up.

 – How to find peace and confidence no matter what is going on around you.

There is a war going on within your mind. It’s a battle between the positive and the negative.

There’s a voice that tells you why you can achieve something and a voice that tells you why you can’t. A voice that tells you to be grateful, happy, and optimistic; and a voice that tells you to be worried, stressed, and cynical. A voice that builds up your self-image and a voice that tears it down. A voice that tells you to keep going and a voice that tells you to quit.

The voice you feed the most will determine the direction of your life. You can’t passively allow this inner war to play out however it wishes. You must take an active role in determining which side wins.

This book will show you how to take charge of the war within your mind and make sure the positive side is winning.

Once you start winning the war in your mind, you will start winning in the game of life.


Grab your copy of THE MENTAL GAME here!