Bill Belichick on Following Your Passion

“Don’t pick a career for money or some other reason. Do what you love, because it will never feel like work. … If there is something that’s your passion when you’re young, do it. Let everything else take care of itself.”
Bill Belichick, 6-Time Super Bowl-Winning Coach


When you listen to highly-successful people give life advice, again and again you hear a common message: do what you love and chase a dream you’re passionate about.

You hear this advice from achievers in every field. Not only from great coaches like Bill Belichick, but also from entrepreneurs, businesspeople, artists, scientists, teachers—successful people in nearly every line of work.

Those that follow career paths they are passionate about are not only much happier than everyone else, but they also end up more successful.

Why? Because those who are passionate about what they do have a competitive advantage over those who are not as passionate. If you’re not passionate about what you’re doing in life, you will get beat by somebody who is. The more passionate you are about your job, the better you will likely be at it and the less likely you will be to quit when the going gets tough.

Following your passion does not mean you’ll never have to do anything you don’t enjoy. Every worthwhile career path will require sacrifices and sometimes doing things you don’t particularly like doing. But if you’re extremely passionate about your primary goal, you’ll be much more likely to make the sacrifices that success requires and to battle through any adversity that comes your way.

Don’t be afraid to chase the dreams in your heart. I personally believe we have an obligation to chase our unique purpose in life. While this purpose can change during the different seasons of life, we must continue to follow where our passion leads us.

Following your purpose affects more than just you—it affects EVERYONE around you. If you’re choosing not to chase the dreams God has placed in your heart, you’re letting down all the people who would’ve benefited from you doing so—in ways you can’t fathom.

Chase your dreams. Choose a career path you’re extremely passionate about. Find your purpose and then follow it no matter how hard things may get along the way. And when times get tough, remind yourself of where you want to end up and what got you fired up about this dream in the first place.

Follow the passions in your heart. You owe it to yourself and to everyone around you.

“I love what I do and I attack each day with joy and enthusiasm. I am fully committed to following my purpose in life. My passion for what I do gives me a competitive advantage over those who don’t have the same level of passion.” 

I wrote a book that specifically dives into this topic of finding your purpose and following it through the ups and downs of life…

I’m sometimes asked which one of my books is my favorite. While I’m proud of all five books in the Sports for the Soul series, my favorite is LIFE TO THE FULLEST. It’s also the book I most often hear other readers say is their favorite.

LIFE TO THE FULLEST is the most heartfelt book I’ve written because it deals with a topic I believe is so important to living a happy and successful life. It’s all about the importance of chasing a dream you’re passionate about and following your purpose in life—no matter how tough following that purpose sometimes gets.

I believe we all have a purpose in life and when we find that purpose, we owe it to ourselves and those around us to live out that purpose to the very best of our ability.

Following your purpose affects more than just you—it affects EVERYONE around you.

This is the perfect time of year to read LIFE TO THE FULLEST. The story takes place during the holidays and it stresses the importance of faith, family, and community.

If you haven’t yet read LIFE TO THE FULLEST, now is the perfect time to do so. This is a book that will stick with you long after you’ve read it.

Here’s what readers have said about LIFE TO THE FULLEST in the reviews they’ve left on Amazon…

Amazingly inspiring… This is one of the most inspiring books I’ve read this year.

“I wasn’t sure Darrin Donnelly could top Relentless Optimism but he certainly did with LIFE TO THE FULLEST. All of his books have helped me so much at a time I really needed the inspiration…These books really can change your life.”

Simply Amazing… Thank you for providing me with hope and faith as I continue to find my purpose and begin the next journey of my life.”

This book was perfect! It is what I needed at (this) moment in my life!”

“Fantastic… Wow, I could read it over and over.”

I felt like I had watched a great movie when I finished this book. Well done!”

This book can change your life… Enjoy reading this book that truly has timeless lessons.”

“Great read!! Wow!! Really changed my outlook on things. Darrin’s books are the best books I’ve EVER read! Can’t wait to read more!!!”

Life to the Fullest