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I’m excited to announce that the latest book in the Sports for the Soul series is available now!

This new book is called The Mental Game: Winning the War Within Your Mind.

As the title suggests, it’s a book about winning that crucial battle that takes place within your mind.

I believe there is a war going on within your mind. It’s a battle between the positive and the negative. And the side that wins this battle determines the type of life you live.

This book will show you how to take control of your thoughts and win the inner war against negativity. [continue reading…]

Train Your Mind to be More Confident

“At some point, you just have to decide you’re going to be confident. Then, as you do, you’re going to have more success.”
Mike Leach, 2-Time College Football National Coach of the Year


The TurnaroundI refer to the above Mike Leach quote often because it points out two of life’s most important truths.

No. 1 – Success follows confidence and the more confidence you have, the more successful you will tend to be. This is because we tend to live up to (or down to) the way we see ourselves—that is, our self-image. If you have a confident self-image that believes you deserve to be successful, you will tend to think and act in ways that will make that success a reality.

No. 2 – You must decide to be confident. It’s your responsibility. Sure, it’s a lot easier to be confident when you’ve already had some success, when someone you trust and admire tells you they believe in you, or when you’ve put in the work, study, and preparation that naturally produces more confidence. But none of those things will give you lasting confidence if you don’t choose to believe in yourself every single day. Confidence will be too dependent on varying circumstances and overheard comments if you don’t personally decide to be confident.

There is something almost miraculous about the way life meets you at the level of your self-image. The way you see yourself, in the long run, tends to become reality.

If you have a confident self-image that believes you have what it takes to be successful, you will usually rise to the level you have envisioned for yourself.

If you have an insecure, doubtful self-image that believes you are unworthy of success and a victim to the random whims of life, you will usually live down to those expectations.

This all happens because, whether you realize it or not, your subconscious mind is constantly working hard to prove your self-image right. Every thought you think and action you take works to reinforce the self-image you have set for yourself.

The exciting thing is that you have the power to change your self-image to anything you want. You can train your mind to be more confident and success-oriented if you want to.

Don’t take your self-image for granted. Recognize that you can change it and make sure it is working for you instead of against you.

This is the topic of my most recent book, The Turnaround: How to Build Life-Changing Confidence.

If you’re interested in building and maintaining confidence while eliminating self-doubt and insecurity, this book will show you how to do it based on the techniques used by some of the most successful coaches of all time.

Perfect for teams and individuals, you can grab your copy here and start training your mind to be more confident.


A Fast and Effective Secret to Success

“Study successful people and see how it fits what you do. You can’t outright replicate somebody else’s success, but you can sure learn from them and put your own twist on things.”
Steve Spurrier, National Champion Coach and Heisman Trophy Winner


One of the fastest and most effective ways to start achieving the things you want to achieve is to find someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve and emulate them. [continue reading…]

Protect Your Mind

“Be positive. Your mind is more powerful than you think. … What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.”
– Tony Dungy, Super Bowl Champion Coach and Player


The above quote from Tony Dungy is one I refer to often because it concisely reinforces two very important truths.

First, it reminds us that the nature of our thoughts (positive or negative) will determine the type of people we become. You can’t dwell on negative, pessimistic thoughts and expect to be a positive, can-do type of person. Fill your mind with negative thoughts and you’re going to have a negative outlook on life. Period. [continue reading…]

Bobby Bowden’s Top 10 Lessons for Success

“Don’t go to the grave with life unused.”
Bobby Bowden, 2-Time National Champion Coach


Bobby Bowden, one of the winningest coaches in college football history, passed away on August 8th. During his 44 seasons as a head coach, Bowden won two national championships, 12 conference championships, three national Coach of the Year awards, and 377 games.

Bowden will always be remembered for taking over a struggling Florida State football program (the team had won just four total games in the three seasons before Bowden arrived) and turning the Seminoles into a national power.

The Hall of Fame football coach will also be remembered for his authentic Southern charm and his “never-met-a-stranger” brand of kindness, which helped him become one of the nation’s top recruiters.

In honor of this legendary coach, here are my 10 favorite Bobby Bowden quotes and the lessons they teach us about living a successful life… [continue reading…]

An Important Message About My New Book

First off, I want to thank everyone who has already bought a copy of my new book, The Turnaround: How to Build Life-Changing Confidence.

I’ve received some very encouraging emails from readers and the first reviews are already trickling in on Amazon—I can’t thank you all enough for your kind words and continued support!

Last week, The Turnaround shot up to No. 1 in its Amazon categories and was briefly placed on back order.

I’m excited to announce that The Turnaround is now back in stock and available to ship RIGHT NOW at this link. If you haven’t had the chance to grab your copy yet, please do so here and let me know what you think of it.

To those who have already bought the book and those who are about to, I want to say, THANK YOU! I love what I do and I could not do it without your support!

I also want to take a moment to thank and acknowledge some of the many people who helped influence this book. [continue reading…]

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